I believe

  • that the excellent reputation of Stillwater Area Public Schools serves as a powerful lure to young families who want to raise their families in a beautiful river valley and that excellent schools sustain a vibrant community.

  • that the schools belong to the community, and strong community engagement leads to better schools.

  • that the excellence of Stillwater Area Public Schools is created by teachers, administrators and staff who care deeply about students and will go the extra mile to make sure kids receive the best education they possibly can.

  • that our schools must serve ALL students and that we have a duty to welcome students as they are and give them the tools they need to reach their dreams.

  • that a School Board should be a governance board, providing financial oversight but relying upon the expertise of teachers and administrators when it comes to educating students and running the District.

  • that a School Board should be transparent and accountable, allowing ample time for the public to weigh in on its actions.

  • that Board members should model openness and courtesy in its dealings with the community and each other.

  • that Ponies rule!